Liver Healing Meditation Mantra
Healing the liver or any area of your body as part of a self healing chanting meditation can be helped by repetitive chanting of a specific sacred mantra or sound to help connect with the body’s natural inner healing process. During the meditation the vibrations of a chanting mantra such as “OM” is often used.
During a chanting meditation, it is helpful to visualize the energy of the mantra enveloping the body. Imagine it as a radiant light or a powerful force filling the body with vitality and strength. Allow the vibrations generated by the mantra to flow throughout the body, before opening the eyes.
To commence a self healing chanting meditation is recommended to focus on a specific invocation such as peace and calm, spiritual development, greater awareness, organ healing, or the healing of any area of the body, boundless energy, improved heal and well-being etc. To prepare for a self healing chanting meditation find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or stand. Close the eyes, take a few deep breaths, and relax the body. Begin this mantra meditation by chanting or silently repeating “Om" or “Om Shri Anantaha."